Competitions – how to enter

The Fuerteventura Camera Club holds a competition each month with a different theme. These are open to all, not just members. Entry is free, but a donation to help with the cost of running this website is always appreciated, no matter how small!

  • Closing date is the last day of the previous month, but it would be appreciated if you can send them before then, as they have to be prepared before the judge receives them.
  • All photos must have been taken by the entrant
  • Photos can be taken anywhere in the world, they do not have to be in Fuerteventura.
  • Photos must be relevant to the theme of that month. For a list of current and forthcoming themes, see our Events Page
  • You can enter up to three photos.

Prepare your images:

  • Images must be in jpg format – no raw files
  • Re-size images to 72ppi, and a file size no larger than 1mb
  • Re-name your file to: IMAGENAME_Entrant Name.jpg
  • If you are entering more than one image zip them into one file. Do not sent a separate email for each image.

Send your images by email to, or by WeTransfer, which is a free service.

Good Luck and have fun!