No. 1 City Square by Paul Armitage

November 2021 – A Different Angle

Judge: Barney Douglas

Time flies so quickly, and here we are, almost at Christmas, and once again I would like to say a big thank you for the invitation to adjudicate on this competition. There are just six entries in the Beginners section, about a dozen in Intermediate and about thirty in Advanced. A quick scan-through shows a high standard of work, including once again a few outstanding submissions.

The subject title this time is ‘A Different Angle’, and I am therefore looking for images that meet that tagline. You really do need to think outside the box with a subject like this. Most appear to have done so, one or two had me baffled on quick inspection, but all have merit in their own way.

Once again I am taking the images in order of title and I’ll then pick out my highlight image(s) from each group.

And again I am checking the White Balance setting on all images for which it was available. However, in the Beginners section, there’s only one image, (the first), with this information.

So, here we go…




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