Fire by Markus Ashcke

September 2022 – Creative Photography

Judge: Laura Woods

Hello everyone! Hope the weather is being good to you and you’re all getting out and about with your cameras. Here in Ireland I’ve been very busy with the camera, and am currently having a hard earned break for the weekend in Donegal with my husband’s aunts.

As a result time is very short for me to judge this competition, so I apologise in advance that I don’t have the time to write critiques or my thoughts on every photo, just on the few that are placed. If anyone specifically would like to know my thoughts on their photo, please email me or message me on FaceBook and I’m happy to chat. I am always happy to chat photography with everyone.

Now… onto the competition. So many lovely photos entered, the standard of work is excellent, especially in the intermediate section. Keep up the good work everyone.

Laura Woods



I really struggled with placements here, the top image was always my top image from the second I opened the folder! However all of the other placements were excellent, and I’d find it very hard to pick between them! 2nd and 3rd place especially I keep switching them around, they are, effectively, joint 2nd/3rd.


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